Drew Brees broke the all time NFL passing record!
What an amazing feet!
I am always amazed at how success in sports ... helps us understand success in our spiritual lives!
Especially, when we get a chance to look at a successful, high profile, individual who is able to balance his success with his faith and family!
Drew Brees is one of these rare individuals!
Let's look at a few of the lessons we can learn from Drew Brees!
"If you are worried about the mountain in the distance, you might trip over the mole hill right in front of you!"
The scriptures tell us that we can move mountains...and it's so true. But I love this perspective, before conquering the mountain, let's get there one step at a time!
Life can be overwhelming and trials can be all consuming....IT'S ONE STEP AT A TIME!!
Don't worry...in no time at all you will be standing on top of the mountain!!
"You are either getting better or you are getting worse, but you are never staying the same!"

Who hasn't experienced this?
As we head toward Christ...we must be moving forward or we are moving away from him.
Is that not the daily goal?
To move a little closer everyday to Christ!!
There is no standing still...there is movement...one direction or another!
Let's decide to move forward...closer to Christ!
"Anyone can see the adversity in difficult situations, it takes a stronger person to see opportunity"
I am so guilty of this! I am basically a pro at recognizing when the adversary, Satan, is after me and making my life difficult!
I will be the first to admit that every single time without fail, those situations are immediately easier to handle when I choose to look past the adversary, refusing to give him power of my thoughts, and Look to Christ....that is when OPPORTUNITY opens up!
That is when what seemed impossible moments before...suddenly becomes possible!
“God, I know that if you bring me to it, you will bring me through it. I know you have a plan, but quite honestly I don’t see it right now. But I know it’s there. I know I have to believe. I know I need to have faith. I have to trust you. And I do trust you. But it’s hard right now.”
I love the first line, “God, I know that if you bring me to it, you will bring me through it.”
The Lord really does stay by our side and
Bring us through our hardships!
"Sometimes all you need is just someone to believein you in order to be able to accomplish what you never thought you could!"
Drew is one who NO ONE ever expected him to someday be the all time NFL passer..he was exceeding expectations just by being in the NFL...because in a world of giants he is 6 ft tall!
I think it was a bit more than just someone believing in Drew...I think Drew believed in Drew!
I always tell my kids, the whole world can believe in you...but if you don't, then you won't do it! But if the whole world doesn't believe in you and you do...you can accomplish anything!
So be your own someone...BELIEVE IN YOU!!!
And don't forget...that your Heavenly Father believes in you...and knows without a doubt that you can do it! He even takes it a step further...he will not just believe in you...he will HELP you the entire way!!
(don't quote me as if I heard this straight from Drew himself or his players...I am simply relaying a story that someone told me...and it's an AWESOME ONE!)
As we all know...NFL lineman are HUGE...6'5, 6'6, 6'7...300+LBS.
Remember Drew is only 6 ft.
So he is expected to throw the ball over these lineman and make it to his receivers.
Drew has said that sometimes he can't even see his receivers, but they have practiced so much, and that he trusts the receiver...and throws the ball!!
The receivers have told the same story from their view...they claim that sometimes they can't even see Drew...but they know he'll follow through on his part...and sure enough the ball always comes right were is suppose to be!!
This is too good too be true!
Here we have a professional athlete living out what we are suppose to be doing with our Heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost!
We have a PERFECT quarterback!!
Perfect means...without error!!
So we hardly even have to put trust into the equation...except we can't see Him, so we have to TRUST OUR FAITH!!
Trust our faith that he is truly there...and will make a perfect pass every time….WE JUST HAVE TO DO OUR PART...and be in position to catch the ball!!!
This partnership between the receiver and the quarterback only works because they have practiced!
And that is what we need in order to be able to TRUSTour FAITH that the Lord will always be there!
Be thankful for trials...for they provide the practice we need ...so we can handle more intense situations!
Practice! Practice! Practice!
- Sherri